With Frontier Vacation Service, you can pause your Frontier services at your convenience and resume them when you’re ready—a hassle-free way to save you money while you’re away.

Depending on your location and current services, Vacation Service:

  • Suspends voice, internet, and Frontier TV services for 2-9 months at a time.
  • Makes it easy to disconnect and reconnect services at your primary or vacation home.
  • Saves your telephone number and email address.
  • Can be activated as early as next-day (where available).

Here’s what you need to know before using Vacation Service:

  • Vacation Service is a available for a monthly charge of $5 and is pro-rated based on when you start or end Vacation Service.
  • Your Frontier account must be at least 30 days old with no past due balances.
  • Vacation Service can be turned off early, but can’t be turned back on for at least 30 days.
  • You can only use Vacation Service for a maximum of nine of the past 12 months.
  • You can make 911 and 611 calls and access your email while using Vacation Service, but voicemail won’t be available.
  • You’ll get a confirmation email when Vacation Service is turned on and off.
  • Allow up to 24 hours for your service to be restored after turning off Vacation Service.

Going away? Chat with us to set up Vacation Service.

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What's a vacation suspension?

Instead of canceling your Frontier services, you can put them on “hold.” This allows you to keep your number and email address. Services that may be suspended include Residential Voice, Internet and Video, but not optional services like Frontier Secure, Frontier Wire Care, directory listings and the like. To find out if your services qualify, please chat with us.

I received a free gift or promotional pricing when I signed up for services. Will I be charged a cancellation fee?

No. Because you’re only temporarily suspending your service, there is no cancellation fee. However, the “clock” on your promotional rate will continue to run throughout the duration of your suspension. If you are on a term without promotional pricing, the term will be extended by the number of months the service is suspended.

How long can I put my services on vacation suspension?

You can suspend your qualifying services for a minimum of two months (60 days) and up to nine months (270 days) during a 12-month period.

Is there a charge?

Yes. Vacation Service is a available for a monthly charge of $5 and is pro-rated based on when you start or end Vacation Service.

Will my home security system still work?

If a phone line or internet service is required for your home security system, you will need to leave all your services active. Individual services cannot be left active while others are suspended.
Contact us about Frontier Get Away Vacation Service.