How do I use Frontier Secure PWD?

Frontier Secure PWD securely stores your login and personal information including usernames, passwords and credit card details and syncs your information across all devices where the app is installed. Learn more about how to use the service below.

Using Frontier Secure PWD

Add a new favorite

You can add up to 8 favorite login credentials on the main screen in Frontier Secure PWD. These 8 favorites are usually your most-used login credentials. When you add a new entry, your password will go directly to your favorites, if there is space.

If you add a password, and there is no space left in your favorites, you can remove a favorite and add a new one following these steps:

  1. In the Frontier Secure PWD app, go to the entry you would like to remove from your favorites.
  2. Tap the filled in star icon to remove it from your favorites.
  3. Go back to your favorites, and you'll see that the favorite is no longer there.
  4. Go to the password you want to add, and tap the empty star icon to add the new favorite.
If you have Frontier Secure PWD installed on multiple devices, you can connect multiple devices and sync your data. For each device, you can choose a different list of favorites.

Add a credit or debit card

  1. Click Passwords on the left hand menu.
  2. Click the plus icon.
  3. Enter the Cardholder Name, Card Number, PIN, Expiration Date, CVV and any notes you may have.
  4. Click Save.

Add a new entry

  1. Go to Passwords and click the plus icon.
  2. Give your entry a name in the description field and fill out the username, password and web address for the credentials.
  3. Select Save.
  1. Tap the plus icon.
  2. Tap Title and give the entry a name.
  3. Select the large pencil icon and choose a new symbol and color for your entry.
  4. Tap the checkmark icon.
  5. Tap the person icon and enter your username.
  6. Select the password icon and enter the password.
  7. Tap the dice icon to create a new password, then tap the checkmark icon to save your entry.
  1. Tap the plus icon.
  2. Tap Service Name and give the entry a name.
  3. Tap the edit bubble and choose a color and symbol for your entry.
  4. Select Done.
  5. Tap Username and enter your username.
  6. Tap Password and enter the password.
  7. Select the dice icon to generate a new password, then tap Done.
  8. Tap Done.

Tip: Add a web address to your entry for quick access to a site. In the Frontier Secure PWD main view, click on your color-coded globe icon to go directly to the website.

Note: In addition to passwords, you can also save Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, PIN & PUK codes, and Wi-Fi and WLAN keys.

Edit an entry

  1. Tap a favorite, or swipe left for your list of entries and select the entry you want.
  2. Tap the pencil icon and make the desired changes.
  3. Tap the checkmark icon.
  1. Tap a favorite or swipe left or right for your list of entries and select the entry you want.
  2. Tap the pencil icon at the bottom of your screen and make the desired changes.
  3. Tap Done.

Copy and paste your login credentials (iOS only)

  1. Tap the favorite you want, then the ID icon, or swipe left or right to see your list of entries.
  2. Select the entry.
  3. Tap the person icon. Your username is now copied to the clipboard.
  4. On the website's login page, paste in your username in the username field.
  5. Go back to Frontier Secure PWD and tap the password icon. Your password is now copied to clipboard.
  6. On the website's login page, paste your password in the password field to log in.

Adding or editing credentials

Auto-generate a password

From your computer
  1. Sign in to Frontier Secure PWD app.
  2. Find the account you want to change the password for. Click Edit.
  3. Click the dice icon. This will take you to the password generator.
  4. Drag the slider to select the number of characters you want in your password.
  5. Check or uncheck the boxes to select the types of characters you want in your password.
  6. A password will be auto generated. Click Use this.
  7. Click Save.
  1. Sign in to the Frontier Secure PWD app.
  2. Find the account you want to generate a password for.
  3. Tap the dice icon in the Password field.
  4. Tap the type of characters you want in your password.
  5. A password will be generated.
  6. Select the dice icon to change the format of your password.
  7. Tap the check mark to save.
iOS (Apple)
  1. Sign in to the Frontier Secure PWD app.
  2. Find the account you want to generate a password for. Tap Edit.
  3. Tap Generate.
  4. Drag the slider to select the number of characters you want in your password.
  5. Toggle the buttons beneath the password to select the types of characters you want in your password.
  6. Tap the dice icon to generate a new password.
  7. Tap Done.

Edit an auto-generated password on your mobile device

  1. Sign in to the Frontier Secure PWD app for Android or iOS.
  2. Tap Edit or the pencil icon to open the entry you want to modify.
  3. Tap the eye icon in the Password field.
  4. Edit the password.
  5. Android: Tap the check mark icon. iOS: Tap Done.

Change your master password

  1. Sign in to the Frontier Secure PWD app on any of your devices.
  2. From the menu, click Settings then Change Master Password.
  3. Enter your old master password.
  4. Enter a new master password. Confirm your new password.
  5. Select Change.
  • Once you change your Master Password on one device, you must use the new password on all your synchronized devices.
  • If you previously created a QR recovery code in case you forget your master password, you must create a new QR recovery code for your new master password.

Recover your master password

To recover your master password you must have previously created a QR recovery code.

  1. Open Frontier Secure PWD
  2. Click Forgot Master Password?
  3. Click Import image.
  4. Select the QR recovery code image file from your computer. Click Open. Your master password should appear on the screen.
  5. Tap Log in.
Mobile device
  1. Open the Frontier Secure PWD app for Android or iOS.
  2. On the login screen, tap Forgot Master Password?
  3. Tap Import Image or Scan Recovery Code.
  4. Select the QR recovery code image on your device or scan the QR recovery code.
  5. Tap Login.

Importing and exporting credentials

Have usernames and passwords that you store in other password managers? It’s easy to import them into Frontier Secure PWD. You can also export a file from Frontier Secure Password at any time. For the best experience, import or export files on your desktop computer.

Importing password data on your PC or Mac

  1. Launch Frontier Secure PWD.
  2. Click Settings followed by Import passwords. Click Select.
  3. Find the file you want to import. Your data will be imported from the file you selected.
Exporting password data on your PC or Mac
  1. Launch Frontier Secure PWD.
  2. Click Settings followed by Export passwords. Click export.
  3. Enter your master password.
  4. In the Save As box, replace “ExportedPasswords” with the file name you want to use and choose where to save the file on your computer. Click Save.
Important security notice: When you export Frontier Secure PWD data, the file is exported in plain text, meaning it can be read by others. Remember to delete the file once you’ve transferred the data.

Locking your account

Frontier Secure PWD has an auto-lock feature for added security. By default, the software locks itself after five minutes of inactivity. You can change the amount of time before it automatically locks to 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 10 hours or 1 week.

How to change the auto-lock interval

Open Frontier Secure PWD and enter your master password. Go to Settings and select the General tab. Choose your preferred amount of time in the Automatically lock after menu.

How to lock Frontier Secure PWD manually

Open Frontier Secure PWD. If it asks you to enter your master password, it’s already locked. Otherwise, select Lock in from the left-hand menu.

Syncing your account across devices

To access your secured credentials from any of your devices, you’ll need to sync them using a synchronization code.
  1. Launch Frontier Secure PWD and enter your master password
  2. In the menu, click Connect Devices
  3. Your synchronization code will appear under Generate synchronization code
  4. Open Frontier Secure PWD on the device you want to sync. Then select Connect devices and enter your code
  5. Select the Connect button
  6. Enter your master password
  7. Once synchronization is successful, select OK

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