We have updated the Terms of Service (TOS) that apply to your High Speed Internet services and if applicable, your VoIP or Digital Voice services, TV service and other services. The updated TOS are posted at www.frontier.com/terms. By using or paying for your services, you are agreeing to the updated TOS. If you wish to remain subject to the previously applicable terms of service (also posted at www.frontier.com/terms) you must notify us within 30 days of this correspondence by sending an email to optoutFrontierterms@FTR.com or sending a written notice at P.O. Box 9608 New Haven, CT 06535. Your written notice must include your name, Frontier account or telephone number and address at which you receive service.
We have updated substantive terms and conditions to reflect changes in the products and services offered. We encourage you to review the full, updated version of the Terms of Service.
To help you understand some of the key updates, we’ve put together a summary. Below is a list of some of the key updates in the Terms of Service. This summary is not exhaustive, so we encourage you to review the full, updated version of the Terms of Service. Those terms and not this summary will govern your relationship with us.