Billing FAQs

Let us help you find answers to some frequently asked billing questions.

Why is there a Printed Bill fee?

The fee applies to internet customers. Going forward, Paperless Billing is your free, environmentally friendly billing option.

Does the Printed Bill Fee apply to all customers?

The fee applies to all customers except:
  • Customers with traditional (tariffed) voice service only
  • Customers on programs including Lifeline, California Affordable Broadband, California Fundamental Internet, Affordable Connectivity Program
  • Customers with disabilities (e.g., requesting braille and large-print bills or who have a medical alert and requested a waiver)

How do I sign up for paperless environmentally friendly billing?

With an existing account:
  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Select Go to My Billing in the My Bills tile.
  3. Look for the tile that says Paperless Billing is off.
  4. Select Enroll in Paperless.
  5. A pop up will appear explaining Paperless Billing. Select OK.
Without an existing account:
  1. Create an account.
  2. Select Go to My Billing in the My Bills tile.
  3. Look for the tile that says Paperless Billing is off.
  4. Select Enroll in Paperless.
  5. A pop up will appear explaining Paperless Billing. Select OK.

What are the benefits of Paperless Billing?

Going paperless means reducing waste and our environmental impact, something we all can benefit from! Caring for the environment is one of our core beliefs. Red Loves Green is our commitment to sustainability in the technology we use, the way we do business, and the digital connections we enable for our customers. Find out more about our commitment to sustainability at Red Loves Green.

Paperless Billing also means having all your bills organized in one place and just a click away - with access to 13 months of statements online anytime.

Why did I receive a failed payment notification?

Payments can fail for a number of reasons. To obtain further information about why your payment was declined, please contact your card issuer or bank.

Here’s what you should know about failed payments:

  • We will not retry this payment.
  • You need to make a one-time payment to cover last month’s bill and keep your account current.
  • In some cases, Auto Pay will be removed and must be set up again.
  • If you don’t update your Auto Pay details, it may impact Auto Pay offers.

Sign in to update your payment method. Or make a one-time payment here.

Billing videos

Get answers to your questions through our series of short videos.


How to pay your Frontier bill

Learn the different ways you can pay your Frontier bill so you can choose the method that works best for you.

How to read your first Frontier bill

Get a quick overview of the information on your monthly billing statement and what it means for you.

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